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13.03.2023 - 11:27
Mezi nebem a zemí: Kolaps a regenerace?
Celá diskuze: od začátku | nejnovější příspěvky »
12.03.2023 - 16:44
Celá diskuze: od začátku | nejnovější příspěvky »
09.03.2023 - 23:37
Mezi nebem a zemí: Kolaps a regenerace?…
Celá diskuze: od začátku | nejnovější příspěvky »
01.03.2023 - 18:51
Mezi nebem a zemí: Kolaps a regenerace?
Také je zde zmiňováno, jak se "manipuluje" ve veřejnoprávních médiích, zkuste se zamyslet, vše z širšího pohledu na věc.
Tady je odkaz na etický novinářský kodex, který je zde zmiňován.…
A můžeme se sami sebe zeptat, zda je tento kodex veřejnoprávními médii dodržován.
Celá diskuze: od začátku | nejnovější příspěvky »
25.02.2023 - 10:52
Mezi nebem a zemí: Kolaps a regenerace? jsou Rusové :-)
Celá diskuze: od začátku | nejnovější příspěvky »
23.02.2023 - 17:49
Mezi nebem a zemí: Kolaps a regenerace?
Je vidieť že sa už ani temnota nevie skrývať a priznáva farbu a predsa to mnohým nedochádza a pri tom stačí iba čítať.
Celá diskuze: od začátku | nejnovější příspěvky »
18.02.2023 - 13:52
Mezi nebem a zemí: Kolaps a regenerace?
Celá diskuze: od začátku | nejnovější příspěvky »
18.02.2023 - 13:46
Mezi nebem a zemí: Kolaps a regenerace?
Celá diskuze: od začátku | nejnovější příspěvky »
15.02.2023 - 10:01
Mezi nebem a zemí: Kolaps a regenerace?
Про присвоєння почесного найменування 10 окремій гірсько-штурмовій бригаді Сухопутних військ Збройних Сил України
Зважаючи на зразкове виконання покладених завдань під час захисту територіальної цілісності та незалежності України особовим складом 10 окремої гірсько-штурмової бригади Сухопутних військ Збройних Сил України, постановляю:
1. Присвоїти 10 окремій гірсько-штурмовій бригаді Сухопутних військ Збройних Сил України почесне найменування "Едельвейс" та надалі іменувати її – 10 окрема гірсько-штурмова бригада "Едельвейс" Сухопутних військ Збройних Сил України.
2. Цей Указ набирає чинності з дня його опублікування.
Президент України В.ЗЕЛЕНСЬКИЙ
14 лютого 2023 року"
"DEKRET UKRAJINY č. 80\2023 o udělení čestného názvu 10. samostatné horské útočné brigádě pozemních sil Ozbrojených sil Ukrajiny S ohledem na příkladné plnění svěřených úkolů při ochraně územní celistvosti a nezávislosti Ukrajiny příslušníky 10. samostatné horské útočné brigády pozemních sil Ozbrojených sil Ukrajiny rozhoduji: 1. Přidělit čestný název "Edelweiss" 10. samostatné horské útočné brigádě pozemních sil Ozbrojených sil Ukrajiny a nadále ji nazývat 10. samostatnou horskou útočnou brigádou "Edelweiss" pozemních sil ozbrojených sil Ukrajiny. 2. Tato vyhláška vstupuje v platnost dnem vyhlášení. Prezident Ukrajiny V.ZELENSKYJ Února 14, 2023"
Inspirace viz wiki…
Doporučuji prolétnout hlavně pasáž o válečných zločinech...
Nezbývá než počkat, jestli nebude tento dekret připsán ruským hackerům. ;)
Celá diskuze: od začátku | nejnovější příspěvky »
12.02.2023 - 08:27
Mezi nebem a zemí: Kolaps a regenerace?
Celá diskuze: od začátku | nejnovější příspěvky »
12.02.2023 - 08:26
Mezi nebem a zemí: Kolaps a regenerace?
(00-50-03) Mike Pompeo: "(…) Most importantly, on China, we see the Chinese Communist Party also for what it is: the central threat of our times. Our vigorous diplomacy has helped lead an international awakening to the threat of the CCP. Senators, the tide is turning. 30+ countries and territories have become 5G clean countries, banning untrusted vendors from their networks. When we talked about this a year ago, that number was in the single digits. In our hemisphere, Canada has stood firm against the Chinese Communist Party’s hostage taking. Its three major telecom carriers have also banned untrusted vendors. (…)"
Celá diskuze: od začátku | nejnovější příspěvky »
12.02.2023 - 08:02
Mezi nebem a zemí: Kolaps a regenerace?
Dotřetice z úst Mika Pompea, bývalého ředitele CIA a ministra zahraničí USA za Trumpovy vlády, na slyšení ve výboru pro zahraniční věci 30. července 2020:… (zde také kompletní přepis slyšení v PDF ke stažení)
(00-49-43) Mike Pompeo, úvodní řeč: "(…) Further on Russia, 2 weeks ago, the State Department [Ministerstvo zahraničí] removed Nord Stream 2’s exemption under CAATSA [právní předpisy s názvem "Boj proti americkým nepřátelům prostřednictvím sankcí" z r. 2017], and in December, the [Trump] Administration’s swift implementation of PEESA [tj. "Zákon o ochraně evropské energetické bezpečnosti" z r. 2019], an important bipartisan endeavor, effectively halted construction of the pipeline. We are the toughest Administration ever on Russia. (…)"
(02-11-35) Senator Barrasso [senátor USA za stát Wyoming]: "(…) I appreciated your comments in the opening statement specifically related to Nord Stream 2, and I wanted to ask a little bit more about that because we know energy security is essential to national security. Nord Stream 2 threatens European energy security, increases Russian monopoly over the region. To me this pipeline is a Russian trap. I strongly support your recent announcement aimed at stopping this dangerous pipeline. As you know, Congress is working to quickly provide the Administration with additional tools to prevent Nord Stream 2 from ever being completed. In the last few weeks, both the Senate and House passed their own versions of the National Defense Authorization Act [česky "Zákon pro zmocnění národní obrany", zkratka NDAA, je výročním zákonem Kongresu, kt. specifikuje především zbrojní rozpočet Pentagonu na další rok]. It includes new bipartisan Nord Stream 2 sanctions. Could you talk about the Administration’s commitment to opposing the Nord Stream 2 pipeline and applying sanctions against those companies aiding in the completion of this Russian trap?
Mike Pompeo: "The irony is that this Administration is accused by some of not being tough on Russia. President Trump personally took on this. He saw that this was a threat, that this pipeline created enormous leverage for Russia not only against Germany and the broader Europe, but Ukraine as well. So we set about it with good support from Capitol Hill [metonymie pro Kongres USA, am. obdoba poslanecké sněmovny], and we got legislation that was appropriate to now have delayed this project significantly. When we need further tools, we are prepared to use those tools should you provide them to us. We have also used our diplomatic capabilities to make clear to countries that we are going to do the other end too. We are going to make sure that American LNG can be sold into these countries. We want Europe to have a secure, stable, diverse set of energy opportunities, and our Department of Energy has worked alongside of us to do that. Our ENR Department [Bureau of Energy Resources], Assistant Secretary Fannon [bývalý asistent ministra zahraničí pro energetické zdroje], are working to make sure that Europe has real, secure, stable, safe energy sources that cannot be turned off in the event that Russia decides they want to do so. We think Nord Stream 2 is dangerous in that respect, and we do everything we can to make sure that that pipeline does not threaten Europe."
(03-20-39) Senator Cruz [senátor USA za Texas]: "(…) Let us cover a number of topics. Let us start with Nord Stream 2. You and I have worked for some time on Nord Stream 2 in stopping the completion of that pipeline. As you know, over a year ago, I joined with Senator Shaheen [senátorka USA za New Hampshire] in passing bipartisan legislation [onou legislativou myšlen zákon PEES, viz úvodní řeč]. It went through both houses of Congress with overwhelming bicameral, bipartisan support imposing significant sanctions on companies that participated in laying the pipeline of Nord Stream 2. The President signed that legislation around 7:00 p.m., if I remember correctly, on a Thursday, and 15 minutes before his signature was on the page, the Swiss company that was laying the pipeline announced that they were immediately ceasing all pipeline construction activities. So these sanctions worked. Russia has not stopped. They have a pipeline that is 90 to 95 percent complete. Now, the good thing about a pipeline is a pipeline that is 95 percent complete is a pipeline that is 0 percent complete because it isn’t transmitting anything until they connect the two ends. It is my intention that they never complete this pipeline. Both Russia and German continue to press forward aggressively to try find ways to complete this pipeline. As you know, Senator Shaheen and I again introduced even stronger sanctions to any companies involved in any way whatsoever with the construction of the pipeline. Those stronger sanctions were included in the NDAA [National Defense Authorization Act, viz výše] that passed this body with overwhelming bipartisan support just last week. So I am hopeful, as the NDAA moves forward, that we will have those stronger sanctions in effect. At the same time, you made an important decision within the State Department. Under CAATSA, the Administration has the authority, I believe, to sanction companies working to build this pipeline. Your predecessor, Secretary Tillerson [ministr zahraničí USA v letech 2017 až 2018], had issued, as I understand it, a guidance that was widely interpreted as essentially exempting Nord Stream 2. You made the right decision to rescind that guidance. Can you explain to the committee the importance of that guidance and what authority the Administration has right now today with no additional legislation to sanction any company, any German company, any other company that participates in any way with completing this pipeline?"
Mike Pompeo: "Yes. So thanks, Senator Cruz. The President made the decision to change that language. It was my recommendation. So I am not walking away from it, but I wanted to make sure everybody knew the President was fully on board with that change. That language was important because to your point – and this is a little bit too simple, but it was essentially a get out of jail free card for those conducting activities surrounding Nord Stream 2. That is no longer true. Both the State Department and the Department of the Treasury [Ministerstvo financí] have made very clear in our conversations with those who have equipment there. We can see that they are responding, as are their insurers, the board of directors, their lawyers all understand the express threat that is posed to them for continuing to complete work on completion of the pipeline. We remain hopeful that those who have the capacity to finish this pipeline quickly will not be able to do so. They will choose not to because of these sanctions. Then we have the task of those that are harder to reach by sanctions, making sure that we do everything we can to stop them. The President has been so clear about the security threat that the Nord Stream 2 pipeline poses to Europe. We have not been able to convince the Germans of that. Se we are taking action ourselves to try and accomplish that to preserve security for the European people."
Senator Cruz: "So, Secretary Pompeo, I know you care about this issue. I spent about 6 hours with the President yesterday on Air Force One [prezidentovo letadlo], and Nord Stream 2 came up in considerable depth, as did the President’s frustrations with the leadership in Germany. Let me point out that the State Department has a long tradition of sometimes obscure speech, perhaps rivalled only by the Federal Reserve [Federální rezervní systém]. This is an issue in which ambiguity is not beneficial. As you know, the Russians are actively pushing disinformation, that there are not going to be sanctions for anyone involved in this pipeline. The Russians actively pushed disinformation that the bipartisan legislation I had introduced previously was not going to pass. That was wrong."
Mike Pompeo: "I remember that."
Senator Cruz: "We had overwhelming bipartisan support that passed it into law. I believe under CAATSA, you have full legal authority right now to make clear and explicitly clear to anyone involved with constructing this pipeline that the consequences of doing so are catastrophic and not worth doing. So I would encourage the State Department – and I recognize you work within an Administration, and there may be other agencies that have different views, but if there are, those other agencies are not right in this matter. So I urge you to speak with absolute clarity because it is only that clarity I think that has any prayer of actually stopping the completion of this pipeline. If the pipeline is completed, it will do serious damages to the economic interests and the national security interests of Europe. It will do serious damage to the economic and national security interests of the United States. It will benefit Putin and put billions of dollars in his pocket."
Mike Pompeo: "There is no need for ambiguity. The President has not been ambiguous about this at all. There was a reason that we made the change in that language, essentially the waiver language, if you will. We are fully intent on sanctioning those that violate the provisions that are contained there both in CAATSA and otherwise."
Senator Cruz: "Thank you. That is helpful. Let us shift to another area."
Mike Pompeo: "I hope that is clear enough."
Celá diskuze: od začátku | nejnovější příspěvky »
05.02.2023 - 11:29
Mezi nebem a zemí: Kolaps a regenerace?…
Jarda Dušek nesedí každému, mně ovšem docela ano. :)
Celá diskuze: od začátku | nejnovější příspěvky »
04.02.2023 - 19:55
Mezi nebem a zemí: Kolaps a regenerace?
Celá diskuze: od začátku | nejnovější příspěvky »
02.02.2023 - 11:03
Mezi nebem a zemí: Kolaps a regenerace?
No takźe máme odlišné skúsenosti
Celá diskuze: od začátku | nejnovější příspěvky »
01.02.2023 - 13:22
Mezi nebem a zemí: Kolaps a regenerace?
1. majú naozaj kognitívnu disonanciu,ktorú neriešia odborne
2. ego im nedovolí priznať že sa mýlili
3. a k tretej skupine netreba komentár…
Celá diskuze: od začátku | nejnovější příspěvky »
01.02.2023 - 13:20
Mezi nebem a zemí: Kolaps a regenerace?
Celá diskuze: od začátku | nejnovější příspěvky »
31.01.2023 - 19:24
Mezi nebem a zemí: Kolaps a regenerace?…
Celá diskuze: od začátku | nejnovější příspěvky »
30.01.2023 - 21:18
Mezi nebem a zemí: Kolaps a regenerace?
Video je v AJ, nemám čas to prekladať...…
Celá diskuze: od začátku | nejnovější příspěvky »
30.01.2023 - 20:14
Mezi nebem a zemí: Kolaps a regenerace?
Mistrovství Evropy v prasobruslení vyhrává:…
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