Kocour vojákem

22.09.2009 - 17:07
(Beran) mungo
Kocour vojákem
Mum, a small kitty and wisdom rounded the worldI was the wisdom, air whisperedI was the mum, sea listened toI was... nobody saidAir breathed where the kitty had beenSea swum where the kitty had meowedThey´re asked by Lord who´re they looking forOur kitty, somebody fresh new to our familySea droppedI am the mum, it addedI am the wisdom, air continuedI am. the kitty, we were waiting for, but nobody appeared,sea and air were saidYour small kitty is now a big Cat!Lord understood well, who it could beenHe, the Cat with knife TeethDoesn´t follow the rulesAnd.. -Solder Cat answered instead: don´t follow me as well my way leads no doubt - to hellYou had been the wisdomI used to be air bubble in the sea, small Cat cried slowly http://laccacheletemps.asp2.cz/post…

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