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Fuck you:-)
19.07.2009 - 20:35

Fuck you:-)
jsem před časem slyšela v radiu a protože Lilly Allen má písně co do slov dost obsáhlé a zpívá vcelku rychle, tak jsem nepobrala o čem písnička je...akorát ten refrén mě dostal (Fuck you- tím jejím roztomilým sladkým hlasem to je síla), až teď jsem si přečetla recenzi na její album, ve které psali, že zrovna tato píseň byla adresována G.Bushovi (akorát na rozdíl od Pink a jejího Dear Mr.President, nepřímo), tak jsem si přeložila text a je to paráda, a za poslech to stojí
(a vůbec, vzpomněla jsem si na Amy, bo díky ní jsem Lilly objevila...Amy, ať jsi kde jsi, myslím na tebe brouku

19.07.2009 - 20:36
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Look inside, look inside your tiny mind
Then look a bit harder
´Cause we´re so uninspired, so sick and tired
Of all the hatred you harbor
So you say it´s not okay to be gay
Well, I think you´re just evil
You´re just some racist who can´t tie my laces
Your point of view is medieval
Fuck you, fuck you very, very much
´Cause we hate what you do
And we hate your whole crew
So please don´t stay in touch
Fuck you, fuck you very, very much
´Cause your words don´t translate
And it´s getting quite late
So please don´t stay in touch
Do you get, do you get a little kick
Out of being small minded?
You want to be like your father
It´s approval you´re after
Well, that´s not how you find it
Do you, do you really enjoy
Living a life that´s so hateful?
´Cause there´s a hole where your soul should be
You´re losing control a bit
And it´s really distasteful
Fuck you, fuck you very, very much
´Cause we hate what you do
And we hate your whole crew
So please don´t stay in touch
Fuck you, fuck you very, very much
´Cause your words don´t translate
And it´s getting quite late
So please don´t stay in touch
Fuck you, fuck you, fuck you
Fuck you, fuck you, fuck you
Fuck you
You say you think we need to go to war
Well, you´re already in one
´Cause it´s people like you that need to get slew
No one wants your opinion
Fuck you, fuck you very, very much
´Cause we hate what you do
And we hate your whole crew
So please don´t stay in touch
Fuck you, fuck you very, very much
´Cause your words don´t translate
And it´s getting quite late
So please don´t stay in touch
Fuck you, fuck you, fuck you
Fuck you, fuck you, fuck you

19.07.2009 - 21:10
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...a Ty mě moc neser!
Máš u mě rest.

19.07.2009 - 21:19
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Její texty jsou někdy hoodně zajímavý, ta si nebere servítky..tahle taky stojí za poslech a překlad


19.07.2009 - 22:21
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V prvním případě bych měl mnoho návrhů na příjemné trávení času spojené s výdělečnou činností. Potřebuju složit cihly.
V případě druhém - ...
V obou případech: stejně nezvedneš zadnici od kompu.

21.07.2009 - 11:04
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Co se tyce melodicky prijemnych skladeb s moralne zavadnymi texty tak u mne vitezi
Goldie Lokin Chain - Sister
nedari se mi vlozit ani video, ani odkaz, tak si to pustte na youtube

It´s been coming for months i got something to say
We´re breaking up and there´s no easy way
This siutation i never anticipated
How was i supposed to know you was related?
She´s older, she´s fitter and her tits are bigger
And she makes me laugh it´s not all about the figure
I got this problem like a wart or a blister
Truth is
I wanna fuck your sister
If you leave me now can i fuck your sister?
And your best friend.
If you leave me now can i fuck your sister?
And your best friend.
We had fun for a while but i shouldda seen it comin
There´s no more smiles, no more songs not even humming
Truth is i always knew it was there
The way we kissed and you left me with a blank stare
Don´t want the pain, so i think we ought to act
You want to leave and your suitcase is packed
It breaks my heart but the truth has been said
It´s the end of the day so let´s jus put this to bed
Good luv i hope you find a perfect mister
But now you´re gone can i please fuck your sister?
If you leave me now can i fuck your sister?
And your best friend.
If you leave me now can i fuck your sister?
And your best friend.
Thing is, you look like her, but like a wonky version or something
Well yer minds made up and your bags are packed
But i´ve got something with your sister you and me always lacked.
Like locomotive´s "choo choo!"
I´ve run out of track
Yer sisters fit as fuck & your vadge has gone slack
I still like you
But your sis gets the prize
I was surprised
She opened up all three of my eyes
She´s the cherry on my cake
The sausage roll on my beans
When i´m spread eagled on your sister it´s a sexual dream.
Times they are a changing, that´s what bob dylan said
You put your clothes back on and take your sisters off instead
I´ll make it easy we can use a hotel
That way in the morning you won´t suffer from the smell
Of my love, united, two as one
Your sister is the reason that i´m writing this song
It´s not revenge, anger or frustration
If i´m the reactor then she´s the radiation
Like two plus two it´s gonna equal four
With you around the streets so please walk out the fucking door
If you leave me now can i fuck your sister?
And your best friend.
Gonna leave you now cos yer sisters´ fitter.
And so´s your best friend.
Thing is, you knows i loves you, but your mouth smells funny when i fuck you
So, you think i´m crap in bed?
Well let me have a go with your sister instead
You knows i loves you
You knows it´s true
But the thing is, i loves your sister too.
You think me dating your sister is weird
I told ´em all down the pub and they cheered
If i were you i´d be more concerned with my brother
He´s having sex with your mother
If you leave me now can i fuck your sister?
And your best friend.
If you leave me now can i fuck your sister?
And your best friend.

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