astro mapa

06.04.2011 - 19:46
Systémová zpráva: Příspěvek je od uživatele A., který(á) již smazal(a) registraci na tomto webu:

astro mapa
víte někdo jak se pracuje s astro mapou? :25: nebo máte nějaký odkaz? nic moc jsem k tomu nenašla, jak se to má interpretovat, a docela by mě to zajímalo.. obzvlášť když mi ČR prochází pluto a saturn.. :43: :32: :4:obrázek je jen ilustrační.. :74:

07.04.2011 - 14:10 | Filtr
Systémová zpráva: Příspěvek je od uživatele Pietra di Luna, který(á) již smazal(a) registraci na tomto webu:
Jo, tak přesně na toto jsem narazila před pár lety, na úplně stejných stránkách...myslela jsem, že to nějak souvisí s relokační astrologií, čímž si teď nejsem jistá, ale v jedné učebnici astrologie mám k těm čarám nějaké vysvětlivky, tak se na to schválně znova podívám, jestli je to ono. Ale taky by mě to dost zajímalo
07.04.2011 - 15:53 | Filtr
(Býk) » Pietra di Luna
Systémová zpráva: Příspěvek je od uživatele A., který(á) již smazal(a) registraci na tomto webu:
nakonec jsem na úplně stejných stránkách našla i stručný popis k tomu :1: takže pokud by to zajímalo ještě někoho, tak to sem dám:

The Astromap World is simply an unusual way of drawing up a birth chart. While a conventional birth chart shows the planetary positions in relation to a particular place - the place of birth - the Astromap World shows possible planetary positions for all over the globe.

The Astro-Map shows you:

- where in the world the influence of your natal planets is strongest
- here your places of personal power lie
- how you relate to countries and cities
- how you relate to people from other parts of the Earth

It is a well-known astrological fact, that those planets near the axes of a natal chart, i.e. placed near the horizon or the meridian, are particularly significant.

The axes or cardinal points in a chart are:

AC - the Ascendant, or rising sign
DC - the Descendant, or descending sign
MC - Medium Coeli, the Midheaven or highest point
IC - Imum Coeli, the lowest point in the heavens
Not everyone has one or more planets placed at these cardinal points in the birth chart. Only those born at sunrise will have the Sun conjunct the Ascendant, similarly, those born at the time of a "setting" Moon will have their Moon in the same place as their Descendant, and so on.

At the time of your birth, a particular planet could form any conceivable relationship with these cardinal points, depending on your geographic position. Somewhere, the Sun was rising, or the Moon setting, or another planet was reaching its zenith, the highest point in the sky. These places are special for you, as if these planets were placed on one of your cardinal points. Speaking astronomically, these are the places where the planets are rising or setting, or at their highest or lowest point.

The Astro-Map World shows where these places are, calculated for your personal birth time. All four possible cardinal positions are shown by four lines of the same colour for each planet.

The Astro-Map Europe shows those lines which cross the European continent. In addition to this, it also shows planetary aspects. Most Europeans don´t move beyond the European continent, so for practical decision-making, the World Map is often not detailed enough. The finer scale of the Astro-Map Europe is a more precise guide.

The basic idea behind the Astro-Map is this: The energy and meaning of a planet will be expressed most strongly in areas where the planet is placed on one of the cardinal points at the time of birth. Whenever you spend time in one of these places, or are connected to them in some way, you will experience these energies. These experiences correspond to the nature of the planet involved and to the themes associated with that particular cardinal point, they also reflect how this planet is constellated in your birth chart.

If you are acquainted with astrological thought, the meanings attached to the ten planets and the cardinal points of the horoscope will be familiar to you. You can combine these factors to arrive at an interpretation of a cardinal position for any of the planets. For example, having the Sun conjunct the Ascendant or Venus conjunct the Descendant. This basic knowledge will enable you to interpret your Astro-Map without any further guidance. You can determine all those places where a particular aspect of your personality will be most strongly expressed. For professional matters, places with the Sun or Jupiter conjunct the Midheaven will bring success, if you are looking for satisfying personal encounters, it might be wise to consider placing Venus or Mars conjunct your Descendant. Using some basic definitions and a bit of imagination, you will be able to make all sorts of interesting discoveries with your Astro-Map, as well as having a lot of fun planning your next holiday.

Naturally, in places where two lines cross, more than one planet will be placed on an axis. Having Venus at the Descendant as well as Saturn on the Ascendant might easily put some hindrance in the way of an encounter. (For astronomical reasons, there is often a massed crossing of lines in the polar regions. However, these places are rather inhospitable and sparsely populated. For most people, living with five or more planets conjunct the Ascendant would be too strenuous ... )




je to určitě zajímavá hračka, takže kdyby ještě někdo měl nějaké podrobnější info k tomu, tak se zlobit nebudu :16: :4:
07.04.2011 - 17:12 | Filtr
(Vodnář) Robert Isfaháni
Z téhle mapy se dá zjistit třeba jak se někomu bude dařit kdekoliv ve světě nebo v jiných místech republiky. Výklad vyžaduje trénink, zkušenosti, praxi, znalosti.
07.04.2011 - 19:58 | Filtr
(Vodnář) Robert Isfaháni » tulačka
v tomhle případě opravdu nevím.

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